Post Natal Nurse Home Visitor Program
Pharmacy Residency (PGY1)

Your intake visit

Your first appointment at Parkland will be for an “intake” visit. The visit will include a lot of paperwork. The intake team will guide you. Your documents will be reviewed. Questions will be asked like your age and ethnicity. Your personal data will be added to a secure electronic medical record system. Lastly, the intake team will find other eligible programs to help you.

Can I bring someone with me?
Yes. A support system is important. Involve loved ones in your care and support. Invite your support team to your telehealth visits. Contact the clinic in advance if you require someone with you during a clinic exam. There may also be services for affected family members. There may also be services for affected family members. These services can include counseling or childcare for your children. These services may also include referrals to other community services may be helpful to you, your caregivers, partners and family members.

What happens to my information?
Information provided at the intake session is entered into a Texas Department of State Health Services database called Take Charge Texas. Take Charge Texas information is secure and confidential to protect your privacy. It is used to track the HIV epidemic, the needs of the people affected by the disease and the services they use. All Ryan White funded organizations must enter this information and keep strict confidentiality. What you share is private. Only you can provide permission for us to share information with other providers.

A copy of all the forms you complete will be given to you. You will be given a folder or packet to keep your papers. Take the packet to appointments outside of Parkland. Parkland may refer you to other referral service organizations. With your permission, Parkland shares needed information with referral service organizations. When you agree, the information shared helps the process along so you can begin services quickly.

What happens next?

Immediate referrals: You will receive immediate referrals to needed medical care and supportive services. Just complete the required paperwork and questions. Your intake team will help you to make your first appointments. The team will clarify other paperwork you may need.
Referral services: You will receive a referral form of all supportive services during your first visit. Your intake team will help you with the first set of appointments. After that, a case manager helps with referrals. Case management may be a service you use for a while.
Referral packets: Keep your packet of paperwork together. Bring your intake packet to new agencies you visit. Use a case manager to access more referral services. You can request case management now or years from now. Call when you need to find services.

Steps during intake visit:

STEP 1: Questions and answers
You will first meet with a case manager. Your case manager will review your medical history and any medications you are taking. Clinic operations will be explained. Like how to make appointments and what happens during the appointments. You will learn more about HIV transmission. Also, how to take medicines and ways to have safe sex. Your questions will be answered.

STEP 2: Patient Financial Services
Next, you will learn the process to keep your care funded. You will meet a patient financial counselor and a medication access technician. They will ask questions to find programs to keep you funded. They will find programs that will help you pay for your medical expenses and prescription medications. They will find programs that will help you in paying for your medical expenses and prescription medications

STEP 3: Lab testing
Lastly, important tests will take place. You will go to the lab. Your blood will be drawn. Your primary care provider needs what’s called “baseline” testing. A baseline test will show what your starting point is for blood tests. Test like the genotype test, CD4 (T-Cell “helper”) count, HIV viral load count. The baseline tests also looks for Hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). A special blood test provides a DNA profile of your HIV. This test helps you and your team choose the best medications to keep you active and healthy.

STEP 4: Next appointment scheduled
Before you leave, you will be scheduled for an appointment with your primary care provider. At that appointment, the baseline tests you took will be discussed. You will see a provider at the closest location to where you live, or based on appointment availability.

Steps during medical visits:

After your intake visit, you will return to the clinic for a new patient appointment.

STEP 1 – Check-in and registration:
For this and all future appointments, you will need to register in the patient check-in waiting area. The medical practice assistant will sign you in for your appointment. Plan to show your photo ID. Plan to sign consent forms explained to you. To ensure quick and correct registration, bring your appointment slip and a photo ID to each appointment. Please remain in the waiting area. A nurse will find you. For confidentiality reasons, you will be addressed by your first initial and last name.

STEP 2 – Going into the exam room
The nurse will take your blood pressure, weight and height, etc. You will be asked if you have any recent physical problems. The nurse will review with you your medications and immunizations. Then you will move to an exam room. Your primary care provider is a doctor or advanced practice provider which may be a Nurse Practitioner or a Physician Assistant.

In the exam room, you will meet your provider.  First, your provider will review your medical history. Then explain the results of your baseline tests. They will review information about risks to help you understand more about staying healthy. Next, you will have a physical examination.

STEP 3 – Understanding your treatment plan (and adjustments)
The providers work as a team to build a custom treatment plan for you. If necessary, you will be prescribed medications. Your treatment plan will be explained to you. Ask questions. You will then be asked to stick to the plan. To adhere to the goals that you and your primary care provider decide on together. Adjustments to your plan may occur when you have a follow-up clinic appointment. Do not stop medications without speaking to your primary care provider or pharmacist.

You may also receive appointment referrals to specialty clinics. During your visit a dietitian, a case manager, or other personnel may also see you if your healthcare team determines that would be helpful to your care plan.

Don’t forget to bring:

All prescription medication bottles/packages, as well as over-the counter medicines (i.e. Tylenol, Advil, allergy medications, vitamin supplements, etc.). Bring medical records you may have from past providers or clinic visits.