Post Natal Nurse Home Visitor Program
Pharmacy Residency (PGY1)

After Delivery

The experienced and caring staff at Parkland is here to meet the needs of you and your baby. We will help you learn how to care for your newborn as you enter the exciting world of parenthood.

Baby-friendly focus

To make the arrival of your new baby as comfortable as possible, we keep mom and baby together as often as we can from birth. Once your baby is born, a newborn nurse will take care of all of the measurements and procedures right there in the room with your baby by your side. To create a close bond between mom and baby, we will place the baby on your skin as soon as possible after birth and help you start breastfeeding.

By keeping you and your baby in the room together while at Parkland, we are able to decrease separation and encourage mother-baby bonding. You and your family can enjoy your newest addition to the family and spend some quiet time together.

Family-centered care

We want to help you and your family with any questions or concerns you may have about you and your baby’s health. Our lactation consultants will help you get started breastfeeding. We also offer daily education classes in English and Spanish to help you prepare for caring for your newborn at home. From tips on how to care for yourself after having a baby to breastfeeding education and well-baby care, our staff is here to help you.

Learn more about after-delivery care at Parkland