Post Natal Nurse Home Visitor Program
Pharmacy Residency (PGY1)


The BioTel EMS consortium provides medical control and medical direction for emergency medical services agencies serving nearly 2 million people in Dallas County. BioTel member agencies respond to over 200,000 EMS 911 calls annually.

Clinical Practice Guidelines

Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) direct prehospital patient care and are regularly updated and refined by the Medical Direction Team and EMS system stakeholders. Medical direction for the system is provided through the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center under the leadership of Andrew Hogan, MD.

View the Current Clinical Practice Guidelines.

The BioTel Communications Center

The BioTel Communications Center provides 24/7 online medical consultation and direction through a team of highly trained and experienced nurses, paramedics, and emergency physicians with specialized experience in EMS.

The most frequent reasons for BioTel consultation include:

  • Complex medical calls
  • Cardiac arrest resuscitation 
  • Hospital destination decision-making
  • Medicolegal issues
  • Medication dosages
  • Termination of resuscitative efforts
  • Assistance with EMS policy adherence

In addition to providing online control, the BioTel Communications Center delivers receiving hospital notifications for critical trauma, burn, heart attack, and acute stroke patients. Communications Center staff often assist air and ground EMS personnel, communicating critical information necessary for them to provide emergency care and transport to their critically ill and injured patients.

BioTel Social Work

Since 2015, BioTel has operated a cutting-edge EMS Social Work program to address complex social issues affecting our patients. This program was created with the primary goal of providing intensive community based social work services to residents of Dallas County not only in their communities, but ideally in their home environment.

Learn more about the Social Work program.