Post Natal Nurse Home Visitor Program
Pharmacy Residency (PGY1)

National Day without stigma

National Day without stigma

October 9 is National Day Without Stigma, a day within Mental Illness Awareness week dedicated to eliminating the shame and increasing understanding about people who struggle with mental health disorders by creating communities of understanding, support. Mental illness stigma can lead to feelings of shame and self-consciousness. It can negatively impact people looking for help as well as early detection and prevention. Standing up to mental health stigma is an important way to support your mental health and give a voice to those who are suffering in silence. Here are three ways you can fight mental health stigma and support mental health:

  1. Share your mental health journey with others. Sharing your story about mental illness or recovery from a mental illness can empower you and for others who are struggling with a mental illness.
  2. Educate yourself and others about mental health. Education can reduce stigma and improve the environment surrounding mental illness.
  3. Share positive messages about mental health. Use social media or another approach to openly discuss mental health, to show your support for others.

Need help? Parkland Behavioral Health Center offers a range of mental health services provided by psychiatrists, behavioral health providers, clinical social workers, psychiatric nurses and psychologists. Call 214-590-5536 to set up an appointment today.