Post Natal Nurse Home Visitor Program
Pharmacy Residency (PGY1)

Managing your child’s asthma during the school year

Managing your child’s asthma during the school year

As your family goes back to busy school schedules, it’s important to plan how you will care for your child’s asthma throughout the school year. Although asthma cannot be cured, the right medicines and lifestyle can help control your child’s symptoms. It is important to keep your child’s asthma well controlled so that it does not cause problems in their daily life, especially while they are in school.

Supplies and medication: Make sure your child’s inhaler and any medication are with them at school. Speak with their teacher and nurse to let them know of your child’s asthma. Many nurses will have to approve your child’s medications.
Information and education: Talk openly with your child about their asthma. Symptoms and triggers may be different for each child, common symptoms include:
• Wheezing (breathing with a whistle or rattle sound)
• Trouble breathing (shortness of breath)
• Nighttime or early morning coughing
• Frequent or severe coughing with a common cold
• Chest tightness
Educate your child on how to control their symptoms and what to do in case of an asthma attack.
Emergency Contacts: Make sure your child’s school has your contact information in case of an emergency. If you are busy during the school day, have another emergency contact that your child knows and is approved by the school. Educate your child on who to call if they need help.

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