Post Natal Nurse Home Visitor Program
Pharmacy Residency (PGY1)

How to manage stress

How to manage stress

Stress refers to your body's reaction to challenges and demands. Stress can be positive or negative and there are healthy ways to deal with it. Here are a few ways you can manage your stress:

  • Manage your time. Making a day-to-day schedule helps ensure you don't feel overwhelmed by everyday tasks and deadlines.
  • Practice relaxation. Deep breathing, meditation are good ways to calm yourself.
  • Exercise daily. Schedule time to walk outside, bike or join a dance class. Whatever you do, make sure it's fun.
  • Eat well. Eating unprocessed foods, like whole grains, vegetables, and fresh fruit is the foundation for a healthy body and mind.
  • Avoid alcohol and drugs. Alcohol and drugs don’t reduce stress: in fact, they often worsen it.
  • Talk to someone. Whether to friends, family, a counselor or a support group, airing out and talking can help. 

Getting Help

If the steps you've taken aren't working, it may be time to get help from a mental health professional. Ask your primary physician to refer you to the behavioral health team.