Post Natal Nurse Home Visitor Program
Pharmacy Residency (PGY1)

Health tips for the holidays

Health tips for the holidays

The holidays are a great time to be with loved ones and celebrate cultural traditions and dishes. Keep these health tips in mind this month to stay on top of your health goals.

Eating tips

  • Fill your plate with roasted or steamed vegetables. A colorful plate is a healthy plate. Try fun new recipes to add more nutrients to your holiday meals.
  • Avoid overeating. Skipping meals can lead to eating too much later in the day. Plan your meals and snacks and always eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed.
  • Go easy on the alcohol. Never drink and drive and find a sober ride.


  • You may be more busy than usual this month but remember to carve out time before or after slicing the turkey or ham for physical activity.
  • Plan a walk or jog with loved ones or enjoy some alone time with at-home workouts. YouTube has several free professional exercise routines that can be followed by simply using your phone.
  • Exercise can help with the stress we may feel during the holidays.


  • Don’t forget to take care of YOU! Holidays can be stressful physically, mentally, financially and emotionally. It is ok to take a break.